Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jan 30; we've been blue belted baby!

Day 20

As I waited for this day to come, I was sad that it arrived so soon. My experience with tae kwon do has been a bittersweet one. On one hand it feels great to be fit and on the other hand, I can't keep up with the different types of kicks, sparring patterns, and all that jazz for any longer. But after successfully kicking ass passing the final exam of the course and getting the blue belt, I felt that all that blood and sweat was totally worth it.
Yes. I broke it. But this time it was something that was meant to be broken.

Getting blue belted!
Officially blue belt!
blue belted and really exciteeed! w/ Diana and Cristian
Gangster pose! (Or formally known as number 4)
Celebrating success with Raina and Maya
Tae Kwon Do class photo!
(I'm starting to miss class already)
"cherry boom!"
As one test finished, I started to worry about my next one, Korean. On the weekend, I planned to spend the whole Monday evening studying for the exam. So as a quick treat, I headed over to the Irish Potato for some fries and headed back to the dorm for some serious cramming.
tasted like sour cream and onion. yummmm.

Instead of being good students like Kristie and Diana, Tanjin, Catherine and I decided to go out and have a victory dinner with some of the Dutch students and their student buddies. We ended up going to Se7en’s restaurant Yeolbong Jjimdak. It’s a chicken restaurant, but lucky for me, Se7en and his team had arranged for some vegetarian options/side dishes on the menu. 
Rafael, Maya and Catherine
enjoying their non-spicy chicken and noodles

Yunis and Tanjin enjoying their spicy chicken and noodles
riceballs with seaweed. yumm.
The whole gang
celebtrities have been here!
(Upper left: BoA)
Se7en and his restuarant

and now, time for some last minute review before bedtime! 

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