Saturday, September 8, 2012

May 18; The Summer Palace

Day 103
Being the lucky UofT students we were, we were kindly invited to have (an incredible) lunch with Isabelle and her two sons. She is the sweetest 90+ year old lady with incredible stories of her past. She lived in China for many years and was  actually a University of Toronto graduate decades ago. She was the one to initiate the whole exchange program as an initiative to bring the University of Toronto closer to China. She was a women getting her post-secondary degree in the 30's/40's - how amazing is that? In addition, she is continuing to make changes in worldwide relationships - how incredible is she?
Outside the restaurant.
Ducks outside the restaurant

We went to The Summer Palace for the rest of the evening to continue our touristy-streak (also it was really close by). 
On our way back to the subway station, there were rickshaws lined up all along the exit. They were shouting prices and because I felt nice enough to reply, I said it was too expensive and walked away. They lowered the price and lowered it again, and before we knew it, Sigrid, Tanjin and I ended up taking a rickshaw 8 minute rickshaw ride for $~0.25.
Spontaneous rides are fuuuun.

1 comment:

  1. LOL wow how much were they yelling out for in the first place?
