Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan 14; vintage village ; modern market

Day 6
Today started off with an early morning field trip to a traditional Korean folk village called Korean Folk Village (how suitable the name is). It's basically Toronto's Black Creek Pioneer Village except with Korean history and traditions.
It's 8:30 are we're ready to get this day started!
Diana finishing off breakfast on the 45 min bus ride
totem things at the Folk Village
the gang listening to the tour guide
smoker's area 
Apparently, the Korean Folk Village was the filming location for the popular KDrama series SungKyunKwan Scandal (something I haven't watched/heard of until today)
Kristie, Soojeong (Korean buddy), Matt, K-Actress, and lots of pots.  
we fit right in don't we? (w/ David from Australia)
kim-cheese with Soojeong and Kristie
There were also quite a few animals too.
hello korean horsey
This is Leonard.
hello korean ducks, which I named after characters on The Big Bang Theory.
hello korean geese
hello pony carriage rides
We got to see/experience some aspects of the traditional way of life.
Korean have fridges designated to only kimchi. How great is that?
spinning wool
oh the patience.
The heavy circular stone was used to crush something...rice I think? 
Korean people were even tinier back then!
"I just want to stay here forever. You can lock me up in this room."
Kate and Rachel (From Australia) - omg SNOW!
Traditional Korean Games
game #1 (calld Yut):  Life size game board where you are the marker. You're supposed to throw the log thingies in the air and depending on what side it lands that's where you move. (Or at least that's what I got from watching those guys play)
game #2: Scholar's Arrow-Throwing Game where you throw the rods in the pipe thingie.
first attempts and sucking at it.
(Photocreds: Kris)
I find SUCCESS (at another station)
game #3: Jump rope - needs no explanation
We came across a variety of torture methods and weapons.
torture method #1 as demonstrated by two gentlemen from China
torture method #2 - How does this work? Oh well, I'll just sit on the chair. =)
David helping with the torture method.
Your legs are supposed to somehow stretch.
(Photo Creds: Cat)
JAIL dun dun dun....
That's the way the chair is supposed to work...
prisoners of yesterday
convicted of.....not wanting to leave Korea?
On a brighter note...performances! The first is Farmer's Music and Dance called Nongak.
Cat, I think we found our bboy.
The second performance was a one man acrobatic show on a tightrope. It was very circus-y.
Time for lunch!
people on my left
more people on my right
Krstie and I excited for our lunch! yay food!
seafood bibimbap - so delicious!
There was even a small amusement park in the village.
gate to the mini amusement park
amused indeed.
fancy sculptures
Cat fits right in the snowman family. I, only the other hand, look like the third cousin once remove.
I love you too!
 The village was full of gorgeous scenic places
river crossing through the village

view from the bridge

Annnd more parts of the village.
CTEP walking 
Diana and Korean Mr.Potato Heads
The devotional colourful fabric
(explained in the picture below) 
You can write your wish on a piece of paper and tie it on to the strings attached on this big rock
Time to get on the bus! Now which one is ours?
After the Folk Village in the afternoon, some of us decided to continue our adventure in Seoul and headed over to Myeongdong, another market.
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ad on the subway! =)
There are tonnes of stores lined up in the underground subway stations and this one was K-Idol heaven. I'm slowly starting to get back into the whole asian idol phase, but I'm pretty picky about who I "fangirl" over.  I ended up buying Clazziquai Project's Instant Pig CD (my favourite Korean band that will change your opinion on crappy typical K-Pop).
so much Korean star stuff.
Boys Over Flower boxset that won't work in Canada =(
(Photocred: Cat)
Clazziquai Project CD = 12000 won 

Drama fact: The exact place where Minam leaves Shin Woo on the phone date, in You're Beautiful
Mario counting his cash flow 
As we were deciding on which busy street to turn on, something caught me eye. In the middle of the streets I saw something that I thought would not see in Korea: free hugs. It was seriously, one of the best things I've seen so far. I approached the one who held the back sign with neon colours and said "free hugs?" which he replied with a blank-ish stare. So I thought maybe they were holding the sign for fun? But then his friend with big white sunnies (Aussie slang for sunglasses) said free hugs! Yay for free hugs!
Free Hugs in Seoul
(the only time I threw up a peace sign)
Cat and her cream bun
Krispy Kreme!
Myeongdong Cathedral
drama fact: Same church that Minam visited in You're Beautiful
more K Idol stuff
Myeongdong at night. 
street food!
dinner from 7/11
Onigiri = 800 won each


  1. Wow, I like the pics from the Korean folk village, especially the water wheel; looks very rustic indeed. You seem to be doing a You're Beautiful pilgrimage of sorts; as a fellow fangirl I wholeheartedly endorse this endeavour. Still jealous about all that food. T__T I would eat kimchi everyday. (well maybe every week) *drool*

    1. I'm glad you like them!
      Yes, I've been to a few drama filming locations generally. Quite exciting.
      Yes! kimchi everyday is wonderful. It's even better for me because the girls I'm usually with don't eat kimchi =D
